Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Dog in my Life

One month ago, I adopted an 8 year old Australian Shepherd/Labrador Retriever (looks like a large Border Collie at 66 pounds) named Trudy.  The Humane Society told me she had some hip problems that have turned out to be Arthritis in the rear knees.  So, she gets some injections for pain, Acupuncture, and Previcox by mouth for pain, plus Glucosamine/Chondroitin,MSM every meal.  Am I hooked?  You bethcha.  She is one sweetheart.  Also putting in an invisible fence that is not working at this moment.  Also taking off some of that weight to make her knees feel better.  Here is a photo of the lovely lady.

1 comment:

Margie Whittington said...

She is a beauty!!! looks very sweet too!