Sunday, April 22, 2012

Texas and Neighbors Best of Show

It was a thrill and pleasure to have friends from so many directions of life at the show. It was a double thrill to have Albert Handell, internationally known, as the juror of the Texas and Neighbors Show. It was a triple thrill to have the most gorgeous bouquets representing some 18 of the paintings in floral depiction in amazingly creative interpretations. The floral arrangements were works of art in their own direction. They could not have been any more lovely and were
done by the Chocolate Factory. The food is the best reception that I've ever been to, and it too, is presented as a work of art. The music was beautiful, a guitarist, who played for hours. This is my painting that won Best of Show: The White Pumpkin (it is still on my dining room table in my own arrangement (not 100th as lovely as what was at the Texas and Neighbors Show.)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just finished:

This old typewriter is from 1918, a Corona. Found an Opera program in the typewriter from Muncie, Indiana, that was dated 1904. Since my Sister lived in Muncie for many years, sent it to her.

Couple of new paintings